Vendor Tool Certification Program

Finally, a Simple Way to Show Your Customers That Your Tool Generates 100% Data Vault 2.0 Compliant Objects

Not just a badge of honor but proof, which can enable rapid implementations by following approved patterns, increase code reuse, reduce churn, and result in a dramatic reduction in human errors.

Analytics solutions that follow the Data Vault 2.0 methodology should be successful 100% of the time. 

But, to achieve a 100% success rate requires Data Vault 2.0 projects to be done right – everywhere, every time.

A Data Vault 2.0 project is done right when DV 2.0 certified practitioners use DV 2.0 certified tools and follow the prescribed methodology

As a vendor specializing in generating objects for Data Vault 2.0 solutions, your tool should be able to generate code that is compliant with the standards and the methodology. To showcase compliance with both factors, we have developed the Vendor Tool Certification Program, a limited 2-year certification, especially with you in mind.

The Data Vault Alliance, led by Data Vault and DV 2.0 inventor Dan Linstedt, is happy to announce our Vendor Tool Certification:

About the Vendor Tool Certification Program

✓ Use it in your marketing language and for showcasing

✓ Boost your consumer confidence that software is proven to work as advertised            when it comes to  DV2.0 component generation

✓ Help reduce implementation times and learning curves for your customers

✓ Anticipate reduced support costs for DV2.0 implementations

✓ Follow standard patterns and configurations leading to easier documentation

✓ Help reduce re-engineering of the solutions by customers

✓ Reduce buyers-remorse – especially when coupled with CDVP2 training

The best part is that the process is very simple.

How it Works


Because we only certify the output of the tools, for the most part your interactions with us involve simply uploading and downloading files to the specification.


We do expect you follow all coding standards and best practices with your code base; however, we do not certify your software per se, but rather the outputs and outcomes. As you’re already aware, these outputs and outcomes are far more relevant to Data Vault implementations.


There’s no doubt that Data Vault solutions, using certified tools, will have much higher rates of success – and not just dramatically higher success rates, but the implementation phases will be far more likely to earn the coveted “Certificate of Compliance.”


If you want to certify that your tool generates 100% Data Vault 2.0 standards-compliant objects, then...

Here's How to Apply for DVA's Vendor Tool Certification

It starts with an intent to proceed with the certification process and enrollment of your tool.
Once you have fully enrolled in the process, you will receive two items to help you prepare to certify your tool:

DV101 Baseline Tutorial

  • Self-paced, hands-on tutorial that walks you and your staff through the proper use of the artifacts found in the Baseline Download
  • Guides you through what DVA expects as valid, DV2 compliant structures, as well as valid load processes for each layer
  • Designed to help you best prepare your tool for testing

VTCP Baseline Preparation Download

  • Intended to provide you with a set of qualified artifacts that your tool must emulate to pass certification testing
  • Enables you to align your tool to produce the expected outcomes of our baseline models, views, and DML.


  • DDL – for the source, stage, data vault, and mart modeling components
  • SQL Views – for every DDL object above
  • Configuration Files – .csv file templates that you will load for our META_CONFIG processing
  • INSERT-INTO statements – scripts to move the data through the pipelines

When your tool can replicate the expected outcomes of the BASELINE, then be prepared to have generated outcomes of the tool tested. 

Once both the BASELINE preliminary model and process testing are successful, then you will be provided with the Official Test Source Model. 

From the Test Source Model, the artifacts that were produced for the BASELINE should be able to be produced from your tool in the same format.

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